Images tagged "transylvanian-alps"

N-avea de-un zâmbet. Poate de-un rictus.

salutare!cum prinsei mare amor de ture pe bicla,ce facurati voi,imi de-te un imbold,morcovul…mai tirziu cind o sa vad ce si cum.chiar as vrea s-o fac cu fi-miu,sa lasam masina in azuga si la urma dupa traseul descris de voi,sa vedem ce-o iesi.incepui si eu cu nitele ture pe bicla,linga casa,adica pe malul alalalt al girlii,eu fiind din giurgiu.niste poze cu turele se afla pe picasaweb.google.com/oldrocker1950 albumele cu cicloturism prin canioanele riurilor lom.numai bine si ture faine!

1972 din primul meu salar,imi cumpar o „scula”ruseasca,harkov semicursiera grea de 25 kg,deh,sa pui mitraliera zb pe ea…elan de tinerel de 22 giurgiu-sinaia-cuibul dorului,saua dichiu,piatra arsa-babele.ptr.acele vremuri…s-a crucit cabanierul vechi de la babele,originar din risnov,ai de o seama cu mine trebuie sa-si aduca aminte de el.foaie de 48 cu pinionul mare de 27,nu era suficienta calcatura ptr.urcat asa pante,mai pe linga impingind la tank…dormit la babele,coborit in sinaia cu dat doar citeva pedale,ca era la vale…suit la tren ca era peste poate…sa ajung la gr tot calare pe tank.am mai facut ture tari cu pretenarii de o virsta,ma ajuta ca faceam si ciclism la gr,era un club bunicel in acele vremuri,unirea giurgiu.cind vad ce scule sunt in ziua de azi…uitai sa va zic ca o tura in cheile bicazului am facut-o pe un tandem facut din doua carpati,sudate,rulota era un carucior de butelii adaptat ca port cort si bagaje…va zisei toate astea ca sa stiti cam cum era cu cicloturismul in urma cu aproape 40 ani,muschi si entuziasm trebuia,restul ne descurcam.

Felicitări. La mai mare (mult?) nu ştiu dacă e cazul să zic 🙂
Până la urmă a fost mai greu sau mai uşor decât te aşteptai? Ştiu că în timpul pregătirilor, după ture de 100 kilometri şi ceva, te întrebai mereu cum va fi când va fi să mergi mai mult decât dublu…
Şi încă o chestie. Plăcuţele de frână au murit pentru că le-ai uzat în halul ăsta la Iron Bike sau pentru că le venea obştescul sfârşit oricum?

Mă cam aşteptam la orice. Însă n-am avut probleme deloc cu fundul, deloc cu spatele şi nici un fel de crampe. Mi s-a agravat durerea la tendonul (sau ce-o fi) din zona omoplatului stâng şi înainte de km200 mă chinuiau muşchii cefei, dar a trecut. Remarcabil, prima dată când mi-am simţit genunchii a fost abia când m-am urcat în maşină.
Plăcuţele erau de răşină, nu de metal, şi alea-s mai puţin rezistente. Plăcuţele le pusesem la sfârşitul lui februarie, după Argeş Winter Race. Le-am verificat înainte de a pleca la Oradea şi erau uzate cam o treime. Oricum, mulţi au avut probleme cu plăcuţele; se estima la un moment dat că 80% din abandonuri au fost generate de frâne.

sa te ajunga prevestirile cu fetita ta cit mai tirziu,si la mai sus in loc de la mai mare,pe munte.de la un var din Sibiu de data asta.Sandu


OOO Felicitari, io aveam nevoie de o ambulanta pe la mijlocul traseului cred 🙂
Te antrenezi serios vad ca…
E fain ca poti face chestia asta…fain si jurnalul…
ii arat la Nick acuma pozele si traseul…

Multumim pentru relatare. E bine de stiut ca s-a schimbat la fata drumul spre creasta pe partea sudica, dar tot pe directia nord-sud vom aborda urmatoare tura in Muntii Baiului.
Spor la pedalat.

Abordarea Nord-Sud este mai la îndemână. Pe noi nu ne-a încântat niciodată varianta de a urca motorizat, pe principiul că pentru a te bucura cu adevărat de o coborâre trebuie să o transpiri serios la urcare :-). În ideea asta, varianta Sud-Nord este mai adecvată. Ţin minte că, acum destui ani, am urcat în Baiului pe Zamora şi în creastă ne-am întâlnit cu nişte biciclişti care veneau dinspre Azuga, de unde se urcaseră cu telescaunul. Au dat din cap când ne-au văzut şi au zis că suntem ”câini”… Cam aşa e. Tre’ să fii câine să urci dinspre sud – şi să îţi placă să fii câine 🙂

Foarte fain si e bine ca postati povestile! Eu sunt mai lenes in privinta asta dar anul asta am postat totusi si eu o poveste in sfarsit… Am fost a doua oara in Turul Muntilor Fagaras si am pus ceva aici:
Numai bine si ture faine!

Grande Horia! Thank you so much!!!

Horia !!! Grazie !!! O che bello forever !

Hei Horia, there is only one think that I can write … THANKS THANKS THANKS. Thank you very much for a beautiful and unforgettable week. Barbara

Il mondo non finisce mai di stupire. Grazie Horia per averci dato la possiblità di vivere questa nuova entusiasmante esperienza.

Felicitari Mihai, ca intotdeauna fruntas. … si cate kg aveai la final?

… şi cât era noroi din kilogramele alea?

La sfarsitul concursului aveam 59,5 kg….. Fara noroi. 🙂

Şi dacă era neagră cu ce era mai bine? 🙂
Mişto tura, meşter ghidaciul. Bună şi tehnologia la ceva, am ajuns (via Google Earth şi GPS) prin nişte locuri prin care altfel e greu de nimerit. Stă mărturie şi răspunsul localnicului.

Fantomele albe sunt bune, cele negre sunt rele.

Ne bucuram ca si altii „descopera” ( redescopera) m-tii Cinderel dpdv MTB-istic. Noi am facut-o la mijlocul anilor ’90, batand trasee de drum forestier gen Gura Raului – ch.Cibinului – Paltinis – Santa – Rasinari, Paltinis – pas Muncel – Rozdesti – pas Buceciu – v.Jidoaia – Voineasa – cataractele Lotrului – Ob.Lotrului – Tartarau – v.Frumoasei – pas Steflesti – Sadu, Tilisca – Rod – P-na Sibiului – Jina – SUgag… Sau de drum de caruta gen Jina – Crint pe culme, coborare prin Crint… Sau „de poteca” gen pas Muncel – Canaia – vf. Cindrel – pas Steflesti – vf. Steflesti – Tampele – ob.Lotrului sau alta data din vf. CIndrel pe Platoul Diavolului pana la Oasa…
E drept ca in ultimii ani am fost mai rar – ultima oara in 2008… Ne bucuram sa aflam ca incep sa fie mai multi cei care bat muntii pe doua roti…. Radu Mititean – Clubul de Cicloturism „Napoca” Cluj-Napoca office@ccn.ro

Și noi am urcat cu cabina cu cei paișpe miraculoși. Ce păcat. Totuși sunt niște urcări foarte interesante și tehnice (dacă decizi să încerci să rămâi cu fundul pe șa) de la Babele până la cabana Omu (mai exat până în ultima șa înainte de Vf. Omu).

Nu pot decât să citez din text : „…totul într-o lumină dulce şi moale, ca mierea. De vis…”. Te face să visezi, să-ţi iei bicicleta şi să… zbori…

Urmarind aceasta productie de imagini in miscare constat urmatoarele:
a) sa filmezi prezinta avantaje: daca ceilalti participanti la excursie apar in posturi dificile – rasufla obositi etc. -, filmarul nu transmite despre sine o imagine stirbitoare de imagine
b) filmarul are o atitudine neprincipiala fata de ceilalti participanti: ii necajeste constant; asa se explica de ce unul dintre ei – pe care l-am identificat drept numitul Mihai – ii scoate limba
c) filmarul se prezinta pe sine in posturi asa-zicand eroice, depasindu-si partenerii si ruland cu exces de viteza pe potecile montane
d) aceasta atitudine nu este fara riscuri; la un moment dat, e gata-gata sa provoace un eveniment rutier (= sa se ciocneasca cu un copac, esenta moale (brad) dar nu mai putin copac, aflat pe dreapta; de asemenea, pe drumuri cu coeficient ridicat de risc incearca sa-si depaseasca colegii.
In ciuda acestor serioase neajunsuri, peisajul si vremea provoaca privitorilor destule regrete ca nu au putut fi la fata locului (ar fi avut ocazia sa indrepte deraparile – sper ca ati observat metafora – filmarului solicitandu-i un comportament corect). Atitudinea dominanta: invidie principiala.

ceva de vis…


Felicitari pentru montaj, zonele cutreierate sunt foarte frumoase! Este exact genul de tura cu bicicleta care imi place si mie sa il fac. La cat mai multe ture reusite si poteci insorite!

La multi ani!

Natural sound is the best. There is to many people adding music to their videos.

Couldn’t agree more, nattsurfaren!

Au fost cam 11-12 grade, soare, cu vânt dinspre nord-est, adică dinspre Marea Neagră. Mie mi-a fost bine, aş zice că e temperatura ideală pentru bicicletă. Pentru Iulia a fost cam răcoare. La urcare se încălzea, dar cum o sufla puțin vântul se răcea la loc. Eu în prima zi am stat tot timpul în tricou şi nu am suferit de frig, în a doua zi am stat aproape numai în polar şi nu am suferit de cald.
Se adună diferenţă de nivel cum n-ai bănui. Fără să înghiţi mulţi kilometri.
Mi-a fost teamă că vom găsi multă mizerie (obişnuit cu litoralul românesc şi cu câmpurile noastre nesfârşite de ciulini unde se cultivă pungi de plastic). Am găsit nişte locuri mult mai curate decât mă aşteptam, ne-am întâlnit cu o singură turmă de oi şi capre dar ciobanul a oprit câinii repede, fără să-i spunem noi nimic (nu că am avut/ştiut ce).
Locurile frumoase şi primitoare pentru mtb. Aprilie-mai cred că e perioada ideală, că nu e foarte cald şi totul e verde. Spre vară e posibil iarba să fie prea mare, să fie mult mai mult praf. Am avut noroc că a fost şi foarte uscat, în câteva locuri prin pădure te puteai înnoroi serios. Probabil şi toamna e foarte frumos.

Horia – thanks for a fantastic couple of days!! Very challenging, but rewarding beyond my expectations – cant imagine more enjoyable riding or better views anywhere…

Looks amazing. WIsh I’d been there, but I probably would’ve dropped dead with fatigue. Keep it up

Superb! Pozele te scot din casa 🙂

Superb!!mi s-a cam facut rau de miscarea continua a camerei Forte frumos pisajul si as fii preferat si vre-o doua cuvinte de la voi..comentarii.sper ca nu te-ai lovit prea tare la cazatura.

Frumos Horia. Bravo
Sarbatori fericite!

Grande!!! Professional camera, prof biking!!!
We wish to come back soon in Romania!

Foarte tare trebuie sa-l fac si eu. Mia placut si asta si prin ciucas anul asta am de pedalat.Fain de tot continuati tot asa.

Dmnilor, extraordinar! Eu fac ture, nu la viteza asta, cu tatal meu, cei drept distanta parcursa de noi e mai micuta. Cate 70-90 de km de asfalt, drum forestier si carari la fiecare iesire. tatal meu are 68 de ani si nu ca s-ar resimti doar ca e genul de om care nu forteaza lucrurile si in special bicicleta, prefera sa o care in spate numai sa nu aiba de suferit bicla. Am fost in muntii Suhardului, pe Giumalau, urmeaza sa mai mergem pentru a treia oara la Rodna pe vf Ineu, cred ca inca un Ceahlau si mai vedem. sper ca drumurile noastre sa se intersecteze candva, pe vreo carare… mult succes si sanatate. o singura obiectie… pune-ti si un locusor cu traseele parcuse ca poate or mai fi doritori asa ca noi.
toata stima!

Toate cele bune din Maramures! Bravo, pentru materiale postate@activitate!
Sanatate maxima!

Frumos filmuletul, felicitari!!

A fost o tură de documentare şi testare a Go Pro-ului, prietenii erau la căldurică.

Super filmuletul :)) eu am parte de experienta asta aproape in fiecare zi, deoarece stau in zona, si vreau sa va zic ca pe langa traseul care l-ati facut voi atunci mai sunt multe altele, dar trebuie sa stii unde sa intrebi, v-as da niste indrumari daca as putea, trimiteti-mi un mail si o sa incep sa va insir trasee, eu unul as veni cu voi sa va arat imprejurimile dar sunt doar vara in zona (in vacante), sunt partial stabilit acolo si in timpul scolii nu mai pot sa raman… astept oricand un raspuns si daca va sunt de ajutor, o fac doar din placere 😉

Ma bucur ca ai pus postarea. Superb…e putin zis Superb 😀

These guys ensured we had a truly memorable experience in the Carpathians: a relatively untouched corner of Europe, steeped in history, with great scenery, varied rides on good trails, friendly people and comparatively low prices. Amazingly, we didn’t see a single other mountain biker during our trip in early June – the secret has to get out soon! We couldn’t fault the organisation: everything was well thought-out, yet with enough flexibility to allow changes / detours as we saw fit. Without a doubt, Horia was the best guide I’ve ridden with – friendly, relaxed, and extremely knowledgeable, not only regarding the sport (including advice on technique and maintenance), but also the area, its history, and more besides. It’s good to have someone along who can really bring the local environs to life. I was especially impressed with the willingness to help with the little things – e.g., when out in the middle of nowhere and short on powerbars/energy gels/camera storage, he’d call ahead to his contacts, and the next day we had what we needed. That’s what I call service! I’d heartily recommend MTB-tours to anyone considering the Carpathians as a destination for their mountain bike holiday. If our experience was anything to go by, you won’t regret it. Superb.

Well done Horia!!!
Kind regards from Karin
(Fred’s girlfriend:-)

Hi Horia,
really well done –
fantastic photos and also your text is absolut great .
This is a invitation – come and see the trails here – visit me in Austria
A big hug – Fred (Manfred Wagner)

Beautiful Pictures. It was one of the top 3 Trips I ever made.. Thanks to Horia.

Hi Horia, thanks for your superb pictures.
So now we have to come back to check out the bike parks 😉

Excelent articol. Eu as pune si pe cei cu atv-ul…..sunt destepti care forteaza cararile turistice ( atentie nu forestierele …ci carari marcate din parcuri naturale sau nationale) care fac pe stapanii muntilor. Si e cool frate!!!!! epedracu’

ATV-uri, mașini 4×4, snow-mobile: fără motoare pe cărare.

It was a wonderful experience! Most certainly thanks to Horia whose foresight, insight and flexibility guaranteed stages which fitted our skills and helped us push our boundaries so we came out of this trip as better riders both technically and physically. Romania has a lot to offer to bikers: awesome scenery, diverse trails, incredible climbs and downhills spiking your adrenaline levels.

Hi all, it was a fantastic trip! It exceeded our expectations on every aspect: the trails are both demanding and thrilling; scenery is stunning; people nice and friendly. We did enjoy fast single tracks a lot, technical descends are very demanding but passable. We especially enjoyed single track in forest as well as long uphill climbs. Special thanks to Horia for his patience and passion for biking. He is surprisingly intelligent and got great biking skills plus is ready to share it with a group. We will definitely had a great time and will be back!

Thank You for beautiful four days mountain biking trip. In spite I am 59 years old, Your advice substantially improved my riding. Now I know how to ride throw more than 1m down steps and how to stay focused and balanced on downhill rides among roots and stones. With Your help I know how to save energy during up hill riding. You helped me to understand “What the mount biking is about”.We had a chance to discover beauty of Carpathian nature, good natural or bio food and to meet nice and important people. Your guiding was excellent. We are alive and without injury. As You said safety is the first. I wish You and Iulian all the best.

Thanks again for this week of Romanian discovery. I really enjoy the trail (ah ! Strunga Pass down hill !)
Thank you again for your patience and all our discussion about mountain biking and life.
I am sure that I will come back one day !

C’était en effet une super expérience!! Merci pour ton professionalisme et ta gentillesse!
J’ai adoré cette semaine même si physiquement c’était difficile pour moi, il faut que je m’entraine un peu plus…

I’d like to thank you very much for this wonderful vacation. I still remember most of the climbs and descents. Hope try them again soon.

Thanks for taking good care of us and giving us an amazing trip to your beautifull country.

Horia was choosing perfect trails matching my experience without challenging me too less or too much. I really enjoyed the rides, the talks and the landscape – and the best cheesecake I have ever eaten.

I just wanna thank you for a wonderful trip this summer. Really enjoyed it… A great memory indeed.

Pulitzer prize for Horia. Magical tour with you all. Thank you.

Amazing pictures, Amazing tour, Amazing guide. Thank you very much.

The views are amazing, local sheep cheese you cannot find in Switzerland. If you want to get away from the crowds and to ride nice but techy trails it is highly recommended.

Thank you Horia and Iulian for sharing your beautiful country with us! We were all very happy with the awesome tour and can gladly give our best recommendations to experience the Carpathians together with these two guys.

I have done mountain biking trips all over Europe and in over 20 countries around the world from Nicaragua to Bhutan, but your trip in Romania beats them all. You have put together the most exhilarating and beautiful trip imaginable. On top of this your biking tuition and company were second to none. Iulian’s organisation of the whole holiday went perfectly. Altogether the best holiday ever! Many many thanks. Mark

Ladies & Gents!
The 7 days in the Carpathians were an unforgetable adventure and I´m very thankfull for this extraordinar experiance.
Beautiful landscape and views; trails with a wide variety from easy to tricky – for everybody from starter to expert. Climbs are followed by speedy downhills through vast beech groves, smooth single trails or simply over mountain pasture. Our guide Horia adapted the tour to our skills and wishes and we enjoyed.
Besides you get in touch with friendly, open minded and hospitable folks and the „down-home”, tasty, local kitchen. What probably impressed me most was the mixture from modern and traditional, like horse-drawn carriage, people in traditional livery in smaller, rural villages to new, modern mountain resorts and slopes in the Carpathians. There is a lot to discover!
Every little thing was perfectly organized – from food, shutteling, bike spare parts to accomodations.
I can defenitly recommend this trip to every passionated mountain-biker, and I´m looking forward to my next visit!

What can I ad to Peters comment?
We had a amazing time in a marvellous landscape with flowy to tricky trails in an often untouched landscape.
Hora, our guide, was always giving his best to deliver us the best time.
Thanks for all Horia and take care … thx for the nice pics too!

A fabulous trip and everything that I wanted it to be. The three of us had great fun. All the days, the routes, the options, perfectly planned. A lot of hard work and hard cycling but that was good, and some very enjoyable periods too, especially the Strunga descent which is exactly the type of mountain biking that I love. But of course, we prefer to work hard to get to the top first, not to take cable-cars and just ride down!

Just as good as any place to Ride, whether Alps, Pyrenees or in UK. A great tour guide to take us through the stunning landscape, well worth a trip.

Cher Horia,
Nous rentrons avec des belles images plein la tête, et le plaisir d’avoir découvert un peu de ton beau pays.
La Roumanie se mérite (j’en sais quelquechose…) et surtout mérite d’être connue.
Tu peux compter sur nous tous pour la faire connaître auprès de nos amis amoureux de voyages et de sport.
Encore merci pour ta prestation d’une grande qualité. Nous avons apprécié tes compétences de sportif et de montagnard, et ta faculté à les partager. Tu as été un guide attentionné pour chacun de nous quel que soit son niveau, et tu as toujours su adapter le programme à nos envies… ou contraintes mécaniques.
Merci aussi d’avoir fait l’effort de parler notre langue, et encore bravo pour ton très bon niveau en français.
Iulian, you were right, we are very happy to have chosen Romania for our tour!
Bien amicalement, au nom de nous tous.

Thanks Horia for a fab week on the Bucegi circuit. Everything you could want from a mtb trip; loads of forest single track with plenty of up and downhill challenges, open slopes with fantastic views, plus high mountains with snow. All really well organised, accommodation and food all good. Thanks! Hope to come back some time!

Wow, that’s a great write up, photos and video clip. A really nice memento from the trip. Some nice style by Rudolf in the video. I’m still getting the benefit of the six days biking in Romania, both technical and fitness.

Ride it like you are chased by mountain dogs. Nice Video and great photos really captured the weeks biking in the mountains. A great memory.

What a great weekend we had!
Thanks Horia. The view was great. The food was great – I like the bread you make yourself! The riding was great. What else to ask? I felt I was riding with a friend.
I highly recommend mtn tours for anyone who wants to enjoy in the Carpathians Alps!

Cool trails, cool guides…

Weiter so …..mit coolen Biker…. trail enduro Paradies ihr werdet begeistert sein

Many thanks to Horia and his friends for this tremendous mountainbike week. Although we have seen many places before, we all agree that the trails you showed to us were quite the best we ever had experienced. Very flowy, but never too easy, ridable, however with managable challenges and always fun – just what we were looking for. Thankful for this week, you have been a great guide to us!

Thank you Horia for guiding us!

Great riding guys… it is few years that I want to visit your area with a group and this video definitely confirmed me that you have the kind of riding we are seeking. Well done!

Thank you Horia for a nice trip, Romania/Brasov was a positive surprise for me and I had a very good run. Hope to see you again!
Safe rides, Daniel

Felicitări pentru modul de a petrece vacanta de a îmbina plăcutul Mtb cu relaxarea.

I’ve been for one week at the Karpaten. 3 days of it I booked private guiding by Horia’s company. This 3 Days was the best of the hole trip. Very nice Trails, epic nature and of course is Horia a very good person. He knows all the secret and best trails at the Karpaten, and he also told me a lot about the nature and history. See you hopefully soon
Thank you for the nice video!

We had an excellent week together with our guide Horia. Great unexplored single trails and a superbe environment. Everything was perfectly organized. Some technical training and tips from our guide Horia made this week exeptional.

It’s been an unforgettable week.
Thank you for the perfect organisation.
A varied tour in a great landscape. Great accommodations, delicious food, nice people.
Flowtrails (cheesecakes) down and excellent pushbike uphills.
Everything what mountainbikers loves.
Special thanks to Mihai and his brother for the perfect tranfer, Maria for delicious food and the great ambience. Horia, our guide lives Moutainbiking and was superb. Thanks for the nice stages, helpful tips and the technical talk
Please keep going, bikers love it!

Thanks Horia and team for a great time in Romania. We had a good mix of trails and adventure riding in a beautiful part of the world. The tour was very well organised with everything exceeding expectations. I enjoyed the technical riding tips and learning something of the history and culture of Romania. I can highly recommend Romania as a travel destination and your tours to get out into the hills.

A perfect Tour in 2 nature reserves in Romania. Thanks to Horia, a very good biker, verry good guide who knows excellent trails.
Guiding 5/5, trails uphill 4/5 (steep), trails downhill 5/5, nature 5/5, food 4,5/5, accomodation 4/5 (always ok), fun factor 5/5,
good physical condition and some MTB-skills are an advantage
strong recommendation

Foarte tare ce faceti!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wir waren im Juni in Rumänien mit mtbtours.ro auf einwöchiger Endurotour
Von Ankunft bis Abflug fühlten wir uns super betreut. Alles war top organisiert. Horia war ein ausgezeichneter Guide. Kompetent, symphatisch und extrem hilfsbereit , z.B. bei logistischen Problemen ( ein Bike kam 2 Tage zu spät mit Lufhansa, er organisierte umgehend ein Ersatzbike aus 200 km Entfernung !! )Er wusste alles über Land, Kultur und Leute, kannte sich perfekt in der Gegend aus, gibt Fahrtechniktips und ist technisch versiert.
Die Trails waren Enduro. ( für geübte auch mit AM-Bike machbar) Manche technisch und manche flowig . Uphillpassagen waren angenehm zu fahren und nicht zu steil. Ab u zu Schiebepassagen, Enduro eben. Auf dem video kommt das sehr gut rüber.
Unterkünfte und Verpflegung waren einwandfrei.
Alles in Allem ein top Gesamtpacket und sehr zu empfehlen, auch mal als Alternative zu den Alpen.

Thanks for the bike-week on a great trail in your beautiful country. You guys have taught us a lot!

THX for letting me see your beautiful country and trails. You have taught me so many skills, for ever grateful. All the best for you, my friends! SeeYou

‘Shredding’, ‘Send It” and the aggressive macho spray of dirt in every picture in biking media are not okay. It is just more wrecking the world one inch at a time.
‘Exploring with a bike’, ‘getting back to nature’,etc, none of that is represented in the Testosterone -fuelled MTB language.

It was an incredible experience! Very beautiful landscape, challenging trails, good organization. Very much enjoyed.
Special thanks to our guide Horia for assisting us so well and giving numerous tips along the way. Even though I’ve been riding my bike for 40 years, I still learned new things from Horia!
A must for everyone!

A fantastic week, in a beautiful landscape, with varied tracks where everyone can find his pleasure. Together with a top-notch organization that deserves its kudos in all aspects.
I can only recommend, don’t hesitate and go for the Transylvanian Bonanza trails!

Romania may not be the first country that comes to mind when you want to go biking, but this is unjustified. It has everything for an unforgettable ride and the country is still authentic. The Carpathians will challenge you enough, whether it’s uphill or downhill. (In my case downhill :-)).
mtbtours.ro is a good bike partner. I have nothing to say about the organization. They communicate well (English) and are flexible. Adjustments are possible on the spot, depending on the weather, condition of the participants, etc.
Our Guide Horia spiced up our trip, he is friendly, helpful, pleasant company and a skilled biker.
Romania is a beautiful country with friendly people. Visit also Bucharest ! I will definitely go back to discover more of the country.
Iubesc România

Conclusion for this year’s mountain biking season… it rocked!!! So many great days riding, many many thanks Horia Măruşcă!

We where very happy that we had a good guide and he has selected very good tours for us and most important he was a real guide showed us the places which are more tricky to drive before and he made an upgrade of our Technik
If times are more sure I would choose a week biketour with him – you can be sure he is one of the best options there and you will have a good time
Maybe see again – and thanks for the perfect trip and your flexibility!

When I read this I thought: I have a soulmate in Romania 🙂
So well written. I feel exactly the same. Thanks.
I’m a guide in Norway, and I also made the decision that I want to stick to „old school”.
I don’t think mountains should be climbed effortless. It is a MOUNTAIN at the end of the day!

Dear Horia, thank you very much for the great pictures. They bring back good memories of an exciting trip with excellent guidance. By the way: my break is still working fine All the best to Romania and take care

Dear Horia, thank you very much for the fantastic photos! It is nice to remember our time in Romania!

Thanks to our marvellous tour guide we had rides on great trails through wonderful nature. Our itinerary was not the easiest but we managed it and in return we were rewarded with very varied mountain scenery by biking the Carpathians from east to west, from Ciucas to Piatra Craiului. Some fabulous single trails, few well sorted rocks, less people and much more animals than we are used from our Alps. Although we are far from beginners Horia was also superb in showing us some bike skills and tricks.
All in all an unforgettable week with perfectly organized logistics, so we only had to care about our day packs. In between the rides we relaxed in some cozy housings and replenished with great local food. We miss that food and will go for it soon in Munich 🙂
Thank you Horia, fully recommendable for all MTB aficionados!!!

Thanks to Horia, I was able to experience some beautiful landscape in the Carpathian Mountains, that was completely unknown to me before. All I knew before about Transylvania was the „stupid” Dracula story. Actually this was a big reason for me to make the long trip to Brasov. With Horia I learned a lot about the current living circumstances in Romania but also about the history of the „Siebenbürgen” area. Horia is not only a skillful mountainbiker but also an enthusiast to experience and preserve the nature of his home country. The money for his guding service was very well spent and I would do the trip any time again. Highly recommended, if you want to make the best of your vacation time. Thank you gain for your camaraderie on our 3 days of biking 🙂

Hard to enclose in a single message all the positive emotions that we felt during this fantastic and unforgettable journey. The ingredients are many :stony trails, enchanted forest, variety of climbs from the sweet and enjoyable to the leg breaker, adrenaline descents that will invite you to overcome your technical limits, views that will laterally leave you breathless, uncontaminated nature and of course good food, cold beer, laugh, friendship, sense of community and many other things.. Everything perfectly and expertly guided by Horia, that, thanks to his patience, experience, knowledge, passion and love for his job, he accompanied us with the sensation to ride with an old friend…
So, for who wants to have more than an holiday but a deep experience of the real mtb riding in a marvelous, great and hospitable land, don’t miss that trip.
Thank you Horia
Thank you Romania

Thanks for carting us around and organising a fantastic week… been ace!

Thanks again Horia, top week and loved the variety of riding. V well organised and catered for. Will spread the love.

Horia, thanks again for a great trip, trails and your organisation were excellent.

Horia, amazing trip throughout. Thanks for a super experience. I don’t know how you manage to do all that. You are something else!

Your trip, a once in a lifetime adventure. Loved the riding, your country and your insights into the history of Europe. Hope to talk a few more kiwis into coming riding with you. Well worth the journey.

We just returned from a week of mountain biking in the Carpathians and we already miss Romania! Truly unique experience! Horia turned out to be not only an excellent guide but also a nice person to spend the holidays with… highly recommended!

Thanks so much Horia. We will never forget this trip and your kindness.

Thanks Horia, what a trip!. Super riding and guiding.

Horia, thanks again for all your work and a memorable time, and showing us some great trails. It was a blast. I’ll certainly recommend it to others

Good trip and banter lads, cheers again Horia.

Aye, cheers fir showing us round yer patch again Horia, some sweet riding with a top crew, great to see some new areas and trails as well.

Great last couple weeks guys! Most importantly there are plenty awesome stories to be told and look back on from it!
Thanks again Horia! Cheers.

It was a great pleasure to have you as guide. A nice new experience, some new places on earth and a part of a country discovered. Thank you for the feedbacks, the tips and the skills shown.

I wasn’t sure what to expect, I just knew from various friends that a MTB trip in Romania is a must. So I found 2 friends and we hooked up with Horia especially because he mainly guides small groups so we had a personalized boutique tour at a reasonable price. He built us a great program, taking into account our abilities but still challenging enough so that we’d be sure our muscles ached at the end of the day. We rode through fantastic, lovely and varied landscapes, challenging (but not too dangerous) single tracks, and a few uphill that forced us to dismount and push.
Horia proved to be an extremely professional guide yet at the same time very friendly and courteous and also resourceful in solving all the problems that sometimes arise in MBT tours.
Thank you again Horia for an unforgettable MBT tour in lovely Romania!
David, Yarden & Orbach
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