Tag: mtb

Over the hills, in Poiana Mărului

We’ve been planning to go on a ride around Poiana Marului for a long. We kept postponing it, on account of the weather, or the “competition” – from Brasov you can easily get to much more popular areas such as Postavaru, Piatra Craiului, Bucegi. The Persani Mountains (to which the hills of Poiana Marului belong… Read more »

Mountainbiking in the hills near Bran

During a weekend when everyone was focusing on the Sibiu marathon, I went mountain biking on the Simon hills, near Bran. My touring partners: Steve and Robbie – who, after fours years of living and cycling in Romania, decided to take things one step further in the difficulty department. So, from taking the cable car… Read more »

Camera, action!

Nice weather for biking around Piatra Craiului. Sunny enough, without it being too warm. In the shade it was a bit nippy though. I took the opportunity to test my new 5D mark II camera, which I’ve been coveting for a while, but could not afford. Some unfortunate incidents forced me to afford it and… Read more »

All mountain, all weather

Who would have thought that in the middle of July we would get rained on six days out of six! We had one day of nice weather, and that was on a Saturday, when we had to take a break, because our group was from Israel. Other then that, we were under constant rain. During… Read more »

Every Road Leads to… Crinţ

The ride up to Crint, near Sibiu, is a classic, we’ve been doing it for four or five years now – ever since my parents bought a small patch of land in the area, and we slowly started making a summer holiday place out of it. So, whenever there’s a free weekend, we go to… Read more »

Mediaş Medieval Marathon 2010

Someone rightly suggested that the name of the Medias Medieval Marathon should be changed to Mudieval. Except for snow, there was something for everyone: mud, sun, heavy winds, scary clouds, torrential rain and hailstone… Our friend and fellow mountain biker, Mihai Constantenec, tells his story of that day of extremes: I finally manage to squeeze… Read more »

Oh che bello, oh che bello!

At the end of a ski touring trip organized by Iulian Cozma in Bucegi in 2009, Mario promised he would soon return to the Carpathians. He kept his word – together with four other friends from Switzerland and Italy, they packed their mountain bikes, hopped on a plane and came to Romania for five days… Read more »

On The Back of The Dove

The slope descends rapidly among sharp stones and sand, while the road narrows into a trail that falls to the right. Ok then… which way do I go? High up on my bike, I try to evaluate the trajectory which is to keep me vertical, while the only thought running through my head is to… Read more »