Guiding-only tours: a perfectly valid option, especially during unsettled times.
Category: skills for thrills

Born on Sunday

Tom’s progression
Swiftly changing from a classic XC rider to a trail riding mountain biker

The kids are alright
It was quite some time since we’ve run our Skills for Thrills mountain biking camps, but this unusual times provided unexpected opportunities. An covid-imposed four weeks vacation meant that plenty of parents were facing a long stretch of not knowing what to do with their kids at home. Getting them on their bikes, learning proper… Read more »

Skills for Thrills for all ages
We are in our second year of organising mountain biking technical training events, with a special Skills for Thrills weekend for families and kids. Joyful participants, eager to learn about mountain biking. Only a handful of photos (the photographer was busy being an instructor), but plenty of nice memories.

Skills for Thrills the mud therapy
The rain and the mud should never prevent you from having a great mountain biking experience.