Kind of both off-topic and off-season, but I have to mention our week of ski in the Dolomites this March. Bottom line, if haven’t been there, you should go. Imagine a skiing area the size of a quarter of Transylvania, with about sixty (yes, 60) times more slopes than what’s available at Poiana Brasov. All these 1200+ km of pistes are accessible with one single skipass, which of course is futile. You’ll never ever be able to cover all these mountains in one single week, but as a marketing stunt it really does the job: you really feel empowered holding a piece of plastic that entitles you to mount on any ski-lift allover the Dolomites.
Snow in abundance. It was a particular snowy winter up there anyway, but having most of the slopes at around 2000 m altitude does help in this regard. The “pistenbullies” are working out every evening so each morning starts with perfectly groomed slopes.
I won’t bother you with statistics about the ski-lift network, it’s beyond impressive. As is the road network, with high mountain-roads climbing up to 2000 m from every valley on almost any direction, kept open for traffic even during the hard winter so skiers from all over the world can come and do the famous Sella Ronda tour.
The Sella Ronda tour is equally popular in summer time, with cyclists and mountain bikers – that’s a nice prospect for the coming summers. Till then, a few photos from this winter:
Also a short video with Nini Rosso (La Campanella) on the soundtrack (sorry for the viewers from Germany, it seems like youtube is blocking the video in there).
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