Single trails of Postăvaru – Brașov XCM 2013

trip report - 2014

There’s a more than one hundred years old tradition of hiking in Postavaru Mountains, on the outskirts of Brasov city. The mountain bikers are a recent addition but they are growing in numbers every year. The profile of the slopes is quite inviting for downhillers, but hard tailers are also popular on the rocky tracks: Postavaru Mountain can accommodate easily different types of bikers and different types of competitions, Mountain running, duathlon, downhill/freeride, cross-country marathon contests are organised every year and their popularity is constantly growing. As is the case with Brasov XCM – see this video of the 2013 edition:

Our organisation is based in Brasov, so Postavaru trails are an obvious choice in our tours. While admiring the skills and the courage of the downhillers, we remain faithful to our cross-country and all-mountain style of riding. The going up is part of a true mountain experience, giving away that last bit of energy while hanging on to the handle bar and the clipless pedals… Sounds like pain, but it’s a beautiful kind of pain.

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