Author: Horia Mărușcă

Camera, action!

Nice weather for biking around Piatra Craiului. Sunny enough, without it being too warm. In the shade it was a bit nippy though. I took the opportunity to test my new 5D mark II camera, which I’ve been coveting for a while, but could not afford. Some unfortunate incidents forced me to afford it and… Read more »

All mountain, all weather

Who would have thought that in the middle of July we would get rained on six days out of six! We had one day of nice weather, and that was on a Saturday, when we had to take a break, because our group was from Israel. Other then that, we were under constant rain. During… Read more »

Every Road Leads to… Crinţ

The ride up to Crint, near Sibiu, is a classic, we’ve been doing it for four or five years now – ever since my parents bought a small patch of land in the area, and we slowly started making a summer holiday place out of it. So, whenever there’s a free weekend, we go to… Read more »

Mediaş Medieval Marathon 2010

Someone rightly suggested that the name of the Medias Medieval Marathon should be changed to Mudieval. Except for snow, there was something for everyone: mud, sun, heavy winds, scary clouds, torrential rain and hailstone… Our friend and fellow mountain biker, Mihai Constantenec, tells his story of that day of extremes: I finally manage to squeeze… Read more »

Oh che bello, oh che bello!

At the end of a ski touring trip organized by Iulian Cozma in Bucegi in 2009, Mario promised he would soon return to the Carpathians. He kept his word – together with four other friends from Switzerland and Italy, they packed their mountain bikes, hopped on a plane and came to Romania for five days… Read more »

Braşov – Zărneşti in 100 km

The amazing success of the ride in Baiului had to be repeated, and quickly too. And there was an unexpected opportunity. Mihai was getting ready for Iron Bike Oradea and needed many kilometers to train. Paul had brought his bike all the way from Cluj and was looking for a ride closer to home. Christi… Read more »

Baiului Ridge, Posada-Azuga

I’ve been planning this ride for years now: the ridge road in Baiului Mountains, from South to North. Some years ago I went on the ridge from Zamora to Azuga, a ride which I’ve kept on doing over time. And every time I kept hoping to do more. Finally it looked like the time was… Read more »

On The Cindrel Peak

Posting some photos from a tour to Cindrel Peak, with Mihai and Christi, in 2008. From Paltinis we took the ridge till the Cindrel peak and got back via a different route. Not sure how eager we are do the same ride again, as, while going up was OK, going down the trail was not… Read more »

The Middle of Summer in Bucegi

Keeping it short, our ride took us to 2000m, in the close vicinity of the Omu Peak. On the way down we got a surprise visit by brother bear, which probably made us reach Sinaia quicker then usual. The riders: Laura, Mihai, another Mihai, Christi and yours truly.