Author: Horia Mărușcă

To shred or not to shred?

You might have noticed while roaming your regular mtb magazines, Facebook feeds and YouTube channels: nobody rides their bike anymore, now it’s all about „shredding”. It’s more than just semantics differentiating „riding” from „shredding”. You ride the trails, but you also ride your bike (as you’d ride a horse, for instance) . When riding the… Read more »


The first guided tour of the 2016 season came unexpectedly soon, at the beginning of March. Normally we are busy ski-touring this time of the year, but these are not normal times :). We made the best of the conditions, riding on the trails of Postavaru mountain and hiking on some gorgeous paths in Piatra Craiului, trail-spotting… Read more »

Fără motoare pe cărare

Trag pe mine niște haine ca o piele de crocodil, să țină la tăvăleală. Mai adaug protecții pentru tibie, genunchi, brațe, coate, mâini, spate. Capul mi-e ascuns într-o cască full-face, pentru care m-ar invidia probabil și Darth Wader. În general aș stârni invidia la orice masă rotundă, m-ar pizmui orice lancelot. Sunt gata să mă… Read more »

Learning experiences

You live, you learn, they say. Every tour we organize is a learning experience. We meet new people coming from different parts of the world, we share stories, we discuss the ways of the word. Sometimes we learn new mountain biking skills from our guests, it’s always a privilege to ride with guys who are… Read more »

Brașov, the Romanian mtb hub

There are many good mountain biking areas in Romania, but there is something special about Brașov. The variety of mountains within reach is incredible. Five minutes from the old city center you can ride the trails of Postăvaru, then seamlessly moving towards Bucegi, Piatra Craiului, Piatra Mare, Ciucaș, Baiului, Grohotișului, etc. The vast choice of… Read more »

Last tour for a retiring Lefty Cannondale

Christian had a brand new 27.5 bike lined up for the one-week tour scheduled for July 2015 in Romania, doing our Bucegi Circuit. However, he decided to give his good old Fatty Cannondale a last run for the money. And what a ride it was: the trails of Postavaru Mountain, the single trails up and… Read more »

The mtb trails of Transylvania

Eva and Christian are travelling to Transylvania quite often, tracing back family roots in and around Sibiu (Hermannstadt) area. This summer they wanted to try something different so they opted for a guided mtb tour, exploring trails in the Fortified Churches area, near Viscri, and then on the foothills of Piatra Craiului and Bucegi mountains…. Read more »

This is mountain biking!

Santa came early this year for It was mid-October when we had the joy and the privilege to organize a tour for a select group of French bikers. A fair deal: I showed them the wonderful trails around Brașov, they showed me what one can do with a bike. All in all a cross-country,… Read more »

The epic part in mtb is the mountain

No matter how you look at it, a maximal altitude of 300 m makes Lithuania a flat country. A type of terrain that is suitable for cross-country mountain biking, with relatively short and frequent ups and downs. No place for long, consistent, technical uphills or downhills. Nothing “epic”, speaking in mountain biking terms. Was Tadas,… Read more »