Mountain bikers are special people. And some are more special than others.
Tag: Bucegi
Special mtb tours for special people
Bucegi Mountains, trails paradise
No better place than Bucegi Mountains for natural singletrail mountain biking.
“Les Français font du VTT en Roumanie”
French mountain bikers discovering and enjoying the Romanian trails.
Martin’s unexpected days of summer
Looking for the summer: great days of mountain biking in the Transylvanian Alps.
Transylvanian Alps – Papanași Power
We tested the papanași as a genuine Romanian sports nutrition supplement. They worked wonders before, during and after intensive mtb riding :).
October mountain biking bliss
October is an ideal time for short rides. Yes, the times of week-long tours are gone, but blitzkrieg type of tours are there for the taking.
Transylvanian Alps, Girl Power
Gender stats in mountain biking are just stats. Girls can handle long, intensive mtb tours with grit, skills, and style.
Age is just a number
In a time when e-mtbs are the norm, a classic six days Bucegi Circuit with four old timers from UK is like a gulp of fresh air.
Taming the Transylvanian Alps
Our Transylvanian Alps tour is a tough nut to crack: six days of intensive single trail mountain biking. Difficult fort most, not for the Swedes.
Bucegi two-days mtb ride
Photos from a two-days mtb blitz-trip up in Bucegi Mountains, all-mountain and enduro style. Putting the ticker, the legs and the technique to some proper stress tests!