Author: Horia Mărușcă

From Braşov to Buşteni

Since I had a free day during the week, I decided to use it by going on a recky I had been planning for a long time, but hoped I would not have to do by myself – you never know when something on the bike breaks, and you are in the middle of nowhere… Read more »

Give It Gas

“We’ve got a car, you don’t need to keep cycling all the way to the finish line”. This is what one of the organizers told me when I reached Bazna, the final checkpoint of the Medias Medieval Marathon 2011, while he was preparing to remove the competition chip from by bike. I was 25 minutes… Read more »

Mtb explorations in Mărginimea Sibiului

The old cart road from Sibiel to Crinţ used to be invaded by sand or tall grass – that’s how we discovered it four-five years ago, when we started cycling in the Mărginimea Sibiului area. Things look different this year, though. The old road was upgraded to a wider, more accesible dirt road. Most proably… Read more »

Piatra Craiului revisited

It was in August 2010 when Robbie, Steve and I went biking in Bucegi, up to Poiana Gutanu and down to Simon village. The following day we were supposed to hit the trails in Piatra Craiului, but the weather had other plans for us. One delay after another, and it was May 2011 when we… Read more »

The First Escape: Adrenaline and Mud

Mihai Constantenec takes his old battered bike to all the Romanian mountain bike competitions out there. The perennial technical troubles – a record number of flat tires, the used up chain or tired rear derailleur – never seem to slow him down. He’s so fast, that you can’t even take a proper photo of him…. Read more »

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year

I hope 2010 was good on you and 2011 will be even better. Until the snow comes, if it ever does, we invite you to look over a summary of our 2010 rides, edited together in a 3 min video. Music by Moonlit Saylor. Have a good one!

Autumn light

This autumn, the weather we were expecting in October came in November. It’s been weeks now since it hasn’t rained in Brasov, the sky is almost always clear and we are enjoying mild temperatures, even early in the morning. Just the perfect excuse the give the bikes one more try, before the weather eventually turns… Read more »

Over the hills, in Poiana Mărului

We’ve been planning to go on a ride around Poiana Marului for a long. We kept postponing it, on account of the weather, or the “competition” – from Brasov you can easily get to much more popular areas such as Postavaru, Piatra Craiului, Bucegi. The Persani Mountains (to which the hills of Poiana Marului belong… Read more »

A Greek Holiday

Since 2005, Greece for me has been the definition of the summer holiday. Cristal clear waters, blue skies, pinewoods and oregano scents, small beaches hidden between walls of rock. But the best thing about Greece is how mountain and sea usually combine. And what’s better the laying on the beach or taking a swim after… Read more »

Mountainbiking in the hills near Bran

During a weekend when everyone was focusing on the Sibiu marathon, I went mountain biking on the Simon hills, near Bran. My touring partners: Steve and Robbie – who, after fours years of living and cycling in Romania, decided to take things one step further in the difficulty department. So, from taking the cable car… Read more »