One of the best mountain biking tours we did this year was in the Ciucaş Mountains. We tried cycling there about ten years ago, at the beginning of our mountain biking experiences, but we ended up disappointed: too much push/carry bike for a little bit of pedaling. More recently, a friend of ours tried his… Read more »
Tag: mihai de mediaş

Ciucaş mountain trails

High up the Bucegi Mountains
Bucegi Plateau, Omu Peak, Drumul Granicerilor, Padina, Strunga Ridge and then a descent to Simon. For a long time I have been planning this trip and I had lost all hope of doing it this year, since we had a mostly cold and rainy summer. But the weather was on our side this time, and… Read more »

Training for Iron Bike Oradea 2011
“Must have been tough on that bike, wouldn’t it have been better had I given you a scythe to help me?” The man was sharpening his scythe in a field on the outskirts of the Magura village, near the cart road that goes up from Moeciu de Jos. The afternoon was hot, the man was… Read more »

From Braşov to Buşteni
Since I had a free day during the week, I decided to use it by going on a recky I had been planning for a long time, but hoped I would not have to do by myself – you never know when something on the bike breaks, and you are in the middle of nowhere… Read more »

The First Escape: Adrenaline and Mud
Mihai Constantenec takes his old battered bike to all the Romanian mountain bike competitions out there. The perennial technical troubles – a record number of flat tires, the used up chain or tired rear derailleur – never seem to slow him down. He’s so fast, that you can’t even take a proper photo of him…. Read more »