An abundance of natural trails for the most demanding mountain bikers
Tag: video

Scottish on Carpathian Peaks, season two

Bucegi Circuit – learning experiences
Many of our tours are not just about riding. It’s also about learning, guides and guests altogether.

Up and down the Strunga Pass
The one and only Strunga Pass: a legendary descent, but also an epic climb. Mountain biking at its best.

Unspoilt trail riding
Carpathian Mountains in South East Transylvania, near Brasov, Romania – a unique collection of natural mountain biking trails.

Moving pictures: single trail mtb in Piatra Craiului
We return with a video production after quite a long pause. We hope you’ll enjoy it as much as we did while riding the trails of Piatra Craiului, filming and editing the piece. There is a quite simple reason why we lagged behind on the video production front: when you go filming, that’s pretty much… Read more »

Cycling with our kids along river Olt
After one year of daily bike commuting to the kindergarten (apart from a few rainy days and a very short winter season) Alex is now ready for more consistent trips. Like the 20km trip along river Olt last weekend, together with our traditional partner in outdoor adventures, Rareș. We cycled on dirt roads close to… Read more »

Single trails of Postăvaru – Brașov XCM 2013
There’s a more than one hundred years old tradition of hiking in Postavaru Mountains, on the outskirts of Brasov city. The mountain bikers are a recent addition but they are growing in numbers every year. The profile of the slopes is quite inviting for downhillers, but hard tailers are also popular on the rocky tracks:… Read more »

The Sweeds biking in Romania, the video story
Some video footage from the six days all-mountain biking trip we organized for our Swedish friends in back in July 2013. Micke did extensive filming with his GoPro camera, and because of the chesty strap and the full-suspension bike he was using the footage is pleasantly stable. The sound is natural, and that goes nicely… Read more »

The Swedes riding the Transylvanian Alps
Sigge and his Swedish friends are old friends now, we’ve been riding together the trails around Braşov for two summers now, as you can see in these older stories (here, here and here). For the summer of 2013 we designed an all-mountain six-days tour with some enduro flavorings. The basic frame of the program was… Read more »

Difficult, but not impossible – 2012 tours video
Here is a four minutes video cut from the footage recorded during our 2012 mountain biking trips. We rode across Ciucaş, Neamţului, Baiului, Bucegi, Piatra Craiului, Postăvaru, together with wonderful people from around the world. This is to Sigge, Mikke, Arnon, George, Răzvan, Karin, Yvonne, Angelique, Henk and all the others who shared with us… Read more »