Tag: all-mountain

Taming the Transylvanian Alps

Our Transylvanian Alps tour is a tough nut to crack: six days of intensive single trail mountain biking. Difficult fort most, not for the Swedes.

Bucegi Circuit 2017 – first instalment

Our first Bucegi Circuit tour for the 2017 season had special guests from Israel. The four brave mountain bikers came to Romania for a nice biking holiday and ended up with much more than that: they’ve sampled what “mountain” stands for in “mountain-biking”, they’ve improved their skills on bike both for the climbs and the… Read more »

Hike a bike, or bike a hike?

We were mountain people before becoming mountain bikers. Being up on the trails is what we are after, and biking is just one of the ways to get up there. We don’t mind if some push bike or carry bike comes in our way, when that is the price one must pay to reach some… Read more »

Moving pictures: single trail mtb in Piatra Craiului

We return with a video production after quite a long pause. We hope you’ll enjoy it as much as we did while riding the trails of Piatra Craiului, filming and editing the piece. There is a quite simple reason why we lagged behind on the video production front: when you go filming, that’s pretty much… Read more »

Brașov, the Romanian mtb hub

There are many good mountain biking areas in Romania, but there is something special about Brașov. The variety of mountains within reach is incredible. Five minutes from the old city center you can ride the trails of Postăvaru, then seamlessly moving towards Bucegi, Piatra Craiului, Piatra Mare, Ciucaș, Baiului, Grohotișului, etc. The vast choice of… Read more »

This is mountain biking!

Santa came early this year for mtbtours.ro. It was mid-October when we had the joy and the privilege to organize a tour for a select group of French bikers. A fair deal: I showed them the wonderful trails around Brașov, they showed me what one can do with a bike. All in all a cross-country,… Read more »

The epic part in mtb is the mountain

No matter how you look at it, a maximal altitude of 300 m makes Lithuania a flat country. A type of terrain that is suitable for cross-country mountain biking, with relatively short and frequent ups and downs. No place for long, consistent, technical uphills or downhills. Nothing “epic”, speaking in mountain biking terms. Was Tadas,… Read more »

MTB in Romania, the French connection

It doesn’t happen very often to have French guests in Romania, be it for hiking or mountain biking. We might share a common cultural background (the Latin heritage, the strong French cultural influences in last two centuries) but France seems to be a little too far away from Romania when travelling is the issue. We… Read more »