Kind of both off-topic and off-season, but I have to mention our week of ski in the Dolomites this March. Bottom line, if haven’t been there, you should go. Imagine a skiing area the size of a quarter of Transylvania, with about sixty (yes, 60) times more slopes than what’s available at Poiana Brasov. All… Read more »
Category: away

Superski în Dolomiţi

Kithyra Island, Greece
A new episode in our Greek series. This time about mountain biking in the island of Kythira, South of Peloponnese, a place we visited back in 2009. As usual it was in September, June-July-August is to be avoided anywhere in Greece if you plan to go out and about, away from the beach umbrellas or… Read more »

The dirt roads of Sithonia
If the Romanian mountains are filled with sheep, rural Greece is the land of the goats. Both are generously equipped with equally noisy dogs, always angered by cyclists roaming around their premises. Their barking needs no Romanian (nor Greek) translation. However, this shouldn’t prevent people from cycling into the wilderness, enjoying the nature, the sun,… Read more »

Bulgaristan by bike
This year, our mountain biking season started in Bulgaria! My parents took us to the Golden Sands for Easter break. And since Horia and I are not very passionate about the all inclusive deal, we decided to break ranks and take the bikes along. So Horia consulted with his buddy, Google Maps is his name,… Read more »

A Greek Holiday
Since 2005, Greece for me has been the definition of the summer holiday. Cristal clear waters, blue skies, pinewoods and oregano scents, small beaches hidden between walls of rock. But the best thing about Greece is how mountain and sea usually combine. And what’s better the laying on the beach or taking a swim after… Read more »